Emission 304 du 30/04/22
Générique = Onigiri Louis Lingg & the bombs Kiiroichurippu- Hopeless Love in the Age of the Glitch Paris / Banlieues Autoproduction
Maiden street Midbrook Right place, wrong time Dijon Autoproduction
Mauvais départ Contrefait Mauvais départ Loir et cher Autoproduction
Jusqu'où irons nous ? Insert coins C'est pas gagné Haute Savoie Autoproduction
Marcher au pas Gut De marbre et de pierre Bastia Autoproduction
Je nique ta france Sagittarius A Ergosphère Paris / Banlieues Autoproduction
The shame Capricörn Sink in tears Saint Brieuc mass productions (BZH), Katabomb records (BZH), trauma social (France), zone alternative (france), blastingdead records (BZH), lilith records (Suisse), Finte Platten Records (germany), urgence disk (suisse), emergency records (rep tcheque), has been mental (montpellier), disjonctors records (france), punk shadows (france), disvlar studio (france), aktiver ausstand in plastic (germany), abradacaboum records (france), yellow pillow (france),
kanal hysterik records (france), maloka (france), saint malo rock city records (france)
The last day Bad Taste Everything must go Agen Autoproduction
No master Tukatukas Royal bourbon La réunion Maudit Tangue
Anger of yesterday Burning Heads Torches of freedom Orléans Kicking records
La rage dedans Matos de merde En panne   Autoproduction
Neuralgic point Bender The crowd grows, the crown falls Toulon Death To The Major Company / Ganache Records
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